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Posted by Ananya Mondal

Unemployment in India

The system of ‘fair employment’ has been failed to achieve its goal in India. Unemployment is the state where a person is not able to secure a position of employment or unable to earn for his or her living. In unemployment, the person is depended on others who can provide him food and shelter for living. In India, the problem of employment is highly notable. There is a large number of citizens who are suffering from unemployment. It the main reason behind all the unethical activities in society. There are some reasons behind the unemployment and also some consequences are there.

Reasons behind Unemployment

Huge Population:

It is known to everyone that India is a country of high population. India has been placed among top three populated countries. The population of India was about 135.26 crores in 2018. The population is increasing in a high rate day by day. The population of a country depends upon every individual. In some families, there are more than 3 children. With the increasing population, the number of positions of employment is decreasing. It is not possible to everyone to secure a well employment. The number of employment is so limited that maximum of the citizens have to suffer from unemployment.

Failure of Government:

Like many other crisis, the failure of the Government is highly notable in India. There was always class system and still it is continued in present. One class of people are rich enough to secure job for the future generation of them and other class of people are too poor to secure healthy living. However, it is the duty of the Government to maintain the balance between the two class of people. It can be said that the Government fails to maintain the very societal system and to secure healthy living for the people who are in need.

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Caste Reservation System:

The most debatable and rising problem for nowadays is the very caste reservation system. Even people of every community are facing problems. People of reserved category like SCs, STs, OBCs can easily secure their positions. No matter, whether they are talented or not, our Constitution provides special rights to them. Though many students and employees deserve, they cannot secure good positions because of the very limited seats and many undeserving students and employees of reserved category are able to secure good positions. However, the rich, middle class and poor people of general caste are unable to get employment due to the limited seats.


Corruption, where the Governmental power is misused to gain personal profit, is one of the major problems in Indian employment system. Employment has to deal with corruption. In the societal system there are many powerful political leaders who interfere in the employment system. Those leaders make the fair employment system more critical and turn it into corrupted employment system. They take bribes from people and gave them opportunities of employment. Those people who are not able to give bribes to the political leaders and to the institutions, they don’t get jobs. Thus, corruption decreases the chances to conduct fair employment process and hampers the whole system.

Consequences of Unemployment

Increased Crimes:

As the number of unemployed persons are increasing, the number of the crimes are also increasing with this. People need minimum of earning for healthy living. Those who are unable to get employed, they are forced to commit crimes or participate in unethical activities. Most of the robbery and dacoity are very popular examples raised from unemployment and poverty. Even people commit crime like murder to get money. Some people are employed to commit crimes like rape and murder for the exchange of money. Generally speaking, most of the crimes are committed when the need of earning money arises in unethical way for the lack of chances of employment.

Domestic Violence:

In case of many families, people who are suffering from frustration, anxiety due to unemployment, torture their family members both mentally and physically. Most of the women have to deal with the domestic violence. Suffering from unemployment, after drinking men beat their wives and torture in very cruel manner. Many wives are forced to bring money from her parents. Some of them cannot tolerate such pain and torture and are forced mentally to commit suicide. In some families, young girls also have to face cruelty and torture. Men like uncles of young girls abuse them by raping. Those women and girls are too helpless to raise their voices.

17 Aug 2020