Meaning of Euthanasia
Euthanasia is the act of intentionally terminate a person’s life in order to free the person from incurable pain of disease or terminal illness. The meaning of the word Euthanasia is intentional mercy killing. There are two types of Euthanasia.It can be as voluntary or involuntary on the basis consent. Euthanasia can also be classified as active or passive on the basis of the basis of terminatethe life. In the modern times there are many limitations to apply the very process.A doctor has to keep in mind a lot of laws and restrictions before listening the request of such patients, who are in worst health condition and want to be free from the terminal illness.
Indian Laws of Euthanasia
Under Constitution of India:
The Indian Constitution gives the fundamental Right to every citizens. Law provides the rights to the Indian citizen for enjoying and living with freedom. The rights were developed and evolved many times due to the need of people.Every human has the right to decrease the pain and terminate the life to be free from such State of health. Euthanasia can be adapted in these cases. If it is prevented by someone, it would be the violation of fundamental right.
Legalization of Euthanasia
Legalization of euthanasia generally describes the right of a personto die or end his or her life due to the worst condition of health and other medical reasons. It is the natural right of the person to be free from pain and suffering. According to the law, if a person attempts to commit suicide under mental compulsion, he or she will be punished.But if a person ask for permitting death due to mental and physical suffering, he or she will not be punished under the law.The patient can only be permitted to die by euthanasia if there would no chance of recovery or no chance of increasing the health quality of the patients.
You can also read the latest judgment by visiting [Latest Judgment]
For more information, visit [Aashayein Enquiry Section]
Counterargument of Euthanasia Supporters
Limitation oftreatment:
Like everywhere, in medical science, there are some limitations. Not every patients can be cured from their diseases. Some people argue that the people, who are suffering from incurable disease, they should get chance to decrease their pain and sufferings. They also have the right to die with dignity. Maximum of those patients, who are suffering themselves, file the petitions to die through euthanasia. The members of the families also file some cases regarding euthanasia.
Right to refuse treatment:
According the law, citizens can avoid treatment willingly. A person, suffering from blood cancer, can deny to feed through nasogastric tube. Indirectly, the right to deny medical treatment is a passive euthanasia. Even the terminal process of pregnancy before sixteen weeks can be considered as active and involuntary euthanasia.
Right to die:
Many patients are in a hard and difficult state or in immedicable sufferings, have lost their interest to continue their lives even with the family members. They can be free from such difficulties and pain by adapting Euthanasia. It can be considered as one kind of ‘right ot die’.
Tansplantation of Organs:
Euthanasia can also be a good opportunity to those who need the organs. People would die through euthanasia, can donate their organs to them who are really in need and want to live their lives. There are a plenty of patients where are waiting for the organ transplantation. Generally speaking, euthanasia does not only give the right to die but also give the right to live to those patients who are seeking for organs.
Arguments against Euthanasia
Constitution of India:
State should protect the right of the citizens. Doctors are supposed to care the patients instead of harming their lives. In case if Euthanasia would be legalized, there would be no proper investigation from the side of the state for an unnatural death.
Malafide intention:
In the recent times, where people decline to live and behave ethically, it is possible to misuse the whole process. Euthanasia can also be categorized under this system. There are many examples where old parents are died or forced to die by their own family members for the sake of the property. It is not uneasy to convince or mislead a doctor to use the said process on patients.
Emphasis on care:
In the earlier days, a large number of patients had died frequently due to the lack of infrastructure in the hospitals and medical system. Many patients had to suffer from incurable pain and diseases and had to die painfully. But nowadays, medical infrastructure and facilities in the hospitals have evolved and the number of deaths have decreased. Many people have been cured through proper treatment and consultation from doctors. However, euthanasia is not the ultimate and logical way to free someone from the pain and suffering by ending his or her life.