The essence of increasing domestic violence both inside and outside the home is the unemployment of people during the lockdown. The pandemic results the global slowdown, massive economic dislocation, closed businesses and indefinite future of the poor. People are suffering from stress, threat of hunger and poverty. Both the men and the women are affected by the economic downturn. Confinement leads to abuse the partner is likely result in greater physical and emotional violence with serious consequences for their health and wellbeing.
Background of the Society During Lockdown
Society has its evidence that when the family members are together or spend time together, the domestic violence takes place. It is shown that during family festivals and vacations, most of the cases of domestic violence arise. The violence against women are highly shown during such high unemployment. People are concern about violence outside the home, but not concern about the domestic violence inside the home by husbands, brothers, fathers, uncles of joint families. Most of the women suffered from domestic violence in the family are dependent on their male family members in India. Either they feel helpless or just ignore the abuse. Women tolerate such unethical torture from fear and for the patriarchal society. Women who are brave enough, file FIR or complain about the domestic violence. The most important aspect of the cases recorded across the country is that a massive decline is found in the complainants of domestic violence. However, it depends on the ability of victims to make complaints.
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Increasing Incidences of Domestic Violence During Lockdown
Inferiority is shown in the number of the complaints in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Telangana.In April, total number of 2,446 cases have been recorded by the police in Delhi. Among those number the cases of the abuse of women are of 600, the cases of rape are of 23 and the rest are of domestic violence. Eventually, the number domestic violence takes the highest place among all the brutal incidents during lockdown. Some of the other states in India were facing the same problem, the number of calls and complaints of domestic violence were increasing.
In our societies where the preference of the son is deep-rooted, there must be other serious dimensions of violence against girls. One of these is sex-selective abortion. The ministry of health and family Welfare on April 4, suspended some important sections of the PCPNDT Act till June 30. This Act makes fatal sex determination illegal. Such acts are found in families where on one hand, the preference of son is deep-rooted to freely exercise, on the other hand, their prejudice arises against the girl child.
Women have to face serious problems and difficulties to reach the police stations. Even social workers have no easier way to reach them or to provide arrangements for travel of them. The police are busy with their duties. It is not always possible for the police to visit homes to investigate cases of domestic violence. During lockdown they have different duties to the majority and the society. Normally the cases of domestic violence are under civil disputes. There cases are filed in lower courts. At the time of Covid-19, court does not consider it to deal with the civil disputes. Courts are disclosed for more serious cases.
Between March 25 and April 22, the National Commission for Women (NCW) has received 250 complaints of the cases of domestic violence. There was a case where a woman who came from Delhi to Nainital to stay together with her husband. In this lockdown her husband tortured her and she wanted to come back Delhi. However, she doesn't want her husband to be arrested, as she knows that he will be out on bail soon and by then her in-laws will continue the torture.
Generally, people think that only the poor have to suffer from the domestic violence. This concept is often considered as a myth. The reality shows that rich and middle-class women are not secure and safe from it. With the sudden lockdown, when women find themselves isolated, alone and vulnerable, they think that they have no options. During this pandemic, it is shown that the condition of the women has weakened and the life of women is in trouble. On one hand, the Government took the decision of lockdown to protect the human lives, on other hand, the unemployed and frustrated people are continuing injustices by showing their anger to the partner.
The administration and law enforcement agencies should take the first step to recognize the gravity of the problem, to believe women. It should be an essential service to reach to the women in distress who are in need. Women should be shifted at safe spaces if needed. It is the duty of the Government and the concerned authority to arrangeuntroubled places for the victims of domestic violence. During the pandemic hotel rooms are empty. The Government can arrange the empty hotel rooms as secure shelter for the victims. Not only Government but also the health workers, NGOs should take the step to protect the abused women and to provide them safety and security.We should promote awareness instead of blaming Government.